SEOptimer Review: A Lead Generation & SEO Tool Combined

SEOptimer Review: The Ultimate Lead Generation SEO Tool

If you manage a digital agency, then you know how important it is to have a strong SEO game. After all, without decent rankings in search engines, it’s tough to get noticed online. And without organic traffic coming to your website, you’re missing out on potential leads and customers. SEO tools are really important in developing your SEO and that’s why, in this blog, I really wanted to do an honest SEOptimer review.


2023 is the year of SEO

In regards to SEO it’s worth remembering that Facebook isn’t what it once was, TikTok is all about influencers, and saying anything remotely salesy on LinkedIn will get you shunned. Weird for the platform it’s meant to be. So although social media is important, it’s not where the action is. In 2023 the digital marketing war seems to be happening over in SEO and will probably see the most development. With the rise of Chat GPT and AI, Bing pushing in on Google, and Google on the defensive (well, they are at the time of writing this, in two weeks’ time, it might be a completely different story, as is the speed of digital marketing). But back to my point, SEO is once again filled with opportunity.


SEOptimer Review

SEOptimer, which we’re reviewing in this blog, promises to be a powerful SEO tool that can help agencies keep both their own and their clients’ websites ranking high. But does it deliver? When my agency started to get into the SEO space, SEOptimer was one of the first pieces of software I brought, for lead generation, not just SEO. I was interested in their white-label audit tool, which turned out to be a brilliant lead magnet for my website visitors. More on that below.

Read on for our full review.


What is SEOptimer and what does it do?

SEOptimer can be mistakenly seen as a typical SEO and digital marketing tool, and be overlooked for its real potential to your business. The software has been designed to help your business or digital agency succeed. To help monitor website performance and SEO health across multiple client websites. It also allows you to track key SEO KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) such as backlinks, page speed, and website ratings.

In addition to its comprehensive SEO Reports feature, SEOptimer also provides actionable insights, advice, and recommendations for optimising your website for higher rankings and more traffic. Hold on, that sounds pretty much like SEMrush! But don’t stop reading just yet as I’m going to pick up on how SEOptimer can hold its own with features not found in SEMrush, or of those that are, SEOptimer is very cost-effective.


For me, there are three key features that make me love SEOptimer.

  • It’s easy-to-use, with all its features and necessary tools in one place.
  • SEOptimer is the ideal SEO tool for any small business looking to increase their web presence, regardless whether they are or not a marketing agency, due to its low cost pricing structure.
  • And, as mentioned above, its white-label embedded audit tool.

SEOptimer offers

  • Comprehensive Website Audit
  • Beautiful, Branded, White Label PDF Reports
  • Languages and Customisation Options
  • Embeddable Audit Tool
  • Simple Do-It-Yourself SEO
  • Free SEO Toolbox


The SEO tool enables users to easily identify high-traffic keywords and evaluate their competition, as well as optimise their website content for those keywords. SEOptimer’s on-page optimisation tool provides a detailed analysis of individual web pages, highlighting areas for improvement such as title tags, meta descriptions, and image optimisation while reporting on technical performance, including page speed analysis, mobile responsiveness testing, and XML sitemap creation.


Comprehensive Website Audit

SEOptimer’s Comprehensive Website Audit tool is like having a personal SEO coach by your side, helping you understand your website’s strengths and weaknesses. As someone just starting out, like I was, it helped a lot in understanding on-page technical issues that I wouldn’t have thought about. With SEOptimer, you can easily identify issues like missing title tags, broken links, or slow loading times that might be harming your website’s ranking in search engines. Who knew slow loading could be an issue? I didn’t at the time, but since then, I’ve invested heavily in making sure our client’s websites are hosted on their own dedicated space with a speed guarantee.

The tool also provides easy-to-understand recommendations on how to fix those issues, with step-by-step guidance on how to optimise websites for better performance. You really don’t need to be a technical expert to use SEOptimer – the tool does the heavy lifting, and the reports are amazing.

Beautiful, Branded, White Label PDF Reports

When it comes to reports, SEOptimer allows you to create ‘Beautiful, Branded, White Label PDF Reports’, which is the perfect way to provide your customers with a comprehensive audit of their website, making you look super cool in the process. If you’ve ever read any of my other blogs, you’ll know how much I love white label stuff, so this really excites me. When using SEOptimer’s White Label Plan, you can customize the branding of the report and only include the stuff you think would suit your customers’ needs. This is one of my annoyances with SEMRush. For newbies using SEMRush, it’s hard to do anything other than a simple line chart one-page report or a full Excel export. SEOptimer makes it simpler to get what you need.


Embeddable Audit Tool

As I mentioned above, and one of the main reasons I wanted to write a SEOptimer review, is the opportunity to talk about their Embeddable Audit Tool. If, like me, you’re looking for a way to generate leads directly from your website, SEOptimer’s Embeddable Audit Tool is the perfect solution! Plus, it’s white-labelled.

Taking the audit tool, you can embed it onto your website, using the white-label settings so that it looks part of what your website, no SEOptimer branding. People then use the form, entering their website address and company details. The report then displays an SEO audit that matches your brand colour and text. The best part is that you can tailor which aspects of the audit shows. So, if you want the SEO audit report to be highly detailed or just cover the basics, you can. This is a great idea to help target certain audiences.

The White Label and Embedding Plan from SEOptimer is an ideal lead generation tool for small businesses and marketing agencies to gain new leads through their website.


Free SEO Toolbox

Before I get onto price, I just want to pick up on SEOptimer’s free SEO Toolbox in this SEOptimer review. A suite of powerful tools designed to help you optimise your website for better search engine rankings and traffic. Basically, what you need to help get more eyes on your website to get more hits on the white label audit tool.

These tools are available to everyone for free and are easy to use, even for those without any technical expertise.

Meta Tag Generator

One of the standout features of the SEOptimer’s free SEO Toolbox is the Meta Tag Generator, which helps you create high-quality meta tags that are essential for SEO. With this tool, you can quickly and easily generate custom meta tags that are optimised for your website and target keywords. Meta tags are so often missed by blog writers, so getting these in can be a big boost over your competitors.


The Keyword Generator

The Keyword Generator, is another valuable tool in the SEOptimer’s free SEO Toolbox. Just like SEMRush does, this helps you identify the right keywords to target for your website. This tool provides keyword suggestions based on your website’s content, making it easier to optimise your content for the right keywords and improve your search engine rankings.

Robots.txt Generator

Additionally, SEOptimer offers other free tools such as the Robots.txt Generator, which helps you create a robots.txt file that controls how search engines crawl your website, as well as the .htaccess File Generator, which allows you to easily create custom redirects and URL rewrites. For those new to SEO, it’s probably a little too much technical speak, but what’s great about SEOptimer is that it helps handle it and explains it a lot simpler than I can.


Robots.txt Generator

Lastly, SEOptimer provides an XML Sitemap Generator, which helps you create an XML sitemap for your website that helps search engines crawl and index your content. This is again something often forgotten on websites, so it’s brilliant to have it accessible in SEOptimer.


SEOptimer’s free SEO Toolbox is like having a secret weapon in your SEO arsenal! It’s a powerful set of tools that can help you optimise your website for better search engine rankings and more traffic. Whether you’re a small business owner, a blogger, or a digital marketing agency, these tools can help you take your SEO game to the next level and attract more visitors to your website


How much does SEOptimer cost and is it worth the investment?

For me, even though I love SEOptimer’s auditing tool, software such as SEMRush and Ahrefs will always hold the arena for SEO reporting, mainly around keyword and backlink tracking. But they both come with a hefty price tag that most small or newly started digital agencies just can’t afford.

Where SEOptimer takes the lead is its white label reports that can be tailored to your client. As SEOptimer’s white label package is only $29 per month, or for the white label and embedding package, it’s $59 per month, investing in SEOptimer is a very sensible option. It can save digital agencies tremendous amounts of time, money and it actually works towards finding new leads. Don’t just think of this as a SEO Tool.

It’s also worth noting that all plans come with a 14-day free trial period, so you have time to explore the features and decide if the service is right for you. Ultimately, it’s a decision that needs to be weighed against individual business needs and goals, and to get the best out of it, you need to be dedicated to getting traffic onto your site to use the white label embedded audit tool. If not, it’s wasted money. For me, it was the perfect option.


Just to end the SEOptimer review, it’s worth recapping to mention that SEOptimer is a great tool that offers a lot of features and can be used by both small businesses and agencies. Small businesses who are only using this for themselves will find enough usage in the $19 per month DIY SEO package.

SEOptimer is easy to use, produces beautiful PDF reports, and has an embeddable audit tool. And as you can also get a free trial to test out all the features before committing to a paid plan it’s a win win.


If you likes our SEOptimer review blog, don’t forget to check out the other blog posts on my site – there might be one that covers exactly what you’re looking for. Thanks for reading!

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