Optimising Keywords

Optimising Keywords: Getting Onto Page One

For most website owners, achieving a page one ranking on Google is the ultimate goal. With 75% of users never scrolling past the first page of search results, it’s more important than ever to optimise your keywords and get your site ranking higher. In this blog post, we’ll discuss strategies for optimising keywords to move your site from page two onto page one of Google search results.

Understanding Keyword Optimisation

Keyword optimisation, also known as keyword research, is the process of selecting and using the most relevant and high-performing keywords for your website’s content. This helps search engines understand what your content is about and improves your chances of ranking higher in search results for those specific keywords.

Strategies for Optimising Keywords

There are several strategies to consider when optimising your keywords for better search engine rankings. Here are some essential tips to help you move from page two to page one:

1. Identify Your Target Keywords

The first step in optimising your keywords is to identify the most relevant and high-performing keywords for your niche or industry. This involves researching popular search terms and phrases used by your target audience, as well as analysing your competitors’ keyword strategies. Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to help you uncover the best keywords for your content.

2. Analyse Your Existing Content

Before you start creating new content, it’s essential to evaluate your existing content and identify opportunities for improvement. Assess your current keyword usage and determine if you’re targeting the right keywords or if there are any gaps in your content. This will help you create a more targeted and effective keyword strategy.

3. Focus on Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are longer and more specific search terms that often have lower search volume but higher conversion rates. These keywords are less competitive, making it easier for your website to rank higher in search results. Incorporate long-tail keywords into your content to increase your chances of ranking on the first page of Google.

4. Optimize On-Page SEO Elements

Optimising your on-page SEO elements is crucial for improving your keyword rankings. This includes using your target keywords in strategic locations, such as the title tag, meta description, headers, and throughout the body of your content. Be sure to maintain a natural and user-friendly writing style, avoiding keyword stuffing, which can harm your rankings.

5. Create High-Quality, Relevant Content

Google prioritises high-quality, relevant content in its search results. To rank higher, focus on creating valuable and informative content that addresses the needs of your target audience. Use your target keywords naturally throughout your content, and make sure to include supporting information, images, and links to other reputable sources.

6. Improve Your Site’s Technical SEO

Technical SEO is another critical aspect of keyword optimisation. This involves ensuring that your website is easily crawlable and indexable by search engines, as well as fixing any technical issues that might be hindering your site’s performance. Focus on improving your site’s load speed, mobile-friendliness, and overall user experience to boost your search engine rankings.

7. Build High-Quality Backlinks

Backlinks from authoritative websites can significantly improve your site’s search engine rankings. Focus on building high-quality backlinks by creating valuable and shareable content, engaging with industry influencers, and participating in online communities related to your niche. These backlinks will signal to Google that your website is trustworthy and relevant, helping you move up the ranks.

8. Monitor Your Keyword Performance

Regularly monitor your keyword performance to identify areas for improvement and to ensure that your optimisation efforts are paying off. Use tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, or third-party tools like Moz or SEMrush to track your keyword rankings and make adjustments as needed.

9. Continuously Update and Improve Your Content

Google values fresh and up-to-date content, so it’s essential to keep your website’s content current and relevant. Continuously update your existing content with new information, statistics, and resources to maintain its relevancy and improve its chances of ranking higher in search results.

10. Be Patient and Persistent

Optimising your keywords and improving your search engine rankings is not an overnight process. It takes time, patience, and persistence to see significant results. Stay committed to your keyword optimisation efforts, continually monitor your performance, and make necessary adjustments to ensure long-term success.

FAQs on Optimising Keywords

1. How often should I update my keyword strategy?

Your keyword strategy should be regularly reviewed and updated as needed to ensure you’re targeting the most relevant and high-performing keywords. Monitor your keyword performance and make adjustments based on search trends, changes in your industry, and your website’s performance.

2. Can I rank for multiple keywords on the same page?

Yes, you can target multiple keywords on the same page, but it’s essential to maintain a natural and user-friendly writing style. Focus on creating high-quality content that addresses the needs of your target audience while incorporating your target keywords seamlessly.

3. How many keywords should I target per page?

There’s no set rule for the number of keywords to target per page. However, it’s best to focus on a primary keyword and a few related secondary keywords to maintain a natural and user-friendly writing style. Avoid keyword stuffing, as this can harm your search engine rankings.

4. What are LSI keywords, and why are they important?

LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords are related terms or synonyms that search engines use to understand the context of your content. Incorporating LSI keywords into your content can improve its relevancy and help search engines better understand the topic, potentially improving your search engine rankings.

5. Can keyword optimisation alone guarantee a top ranking on Google?

While keyword optimisation is an essential component of a successful SEO strategy, it’s not the only factor that determines your search engine rankings. Other factors, such as high-quality content, backlinks, user experience, and technical SEO, also play a crucial role in your website’s overall performance and ranking.

Take Action Today to Boost Your Keyword Rankings

Optimising your keywords is an essential aspect of improving your search engine rankings and moving from page two onto page one. By implementing the strategies discussed in this article, you can enhance your website’s visibility and reach a broader audience. Start by identifying your target keywords, evaluating your existing content, and making necessary adjustments to boost your online presence. Remember, success in SEO takes time and patience, so stay persistent in your efforts and monitor your progress regularly.


I’ll leave you with a couple of final statistic that highlights the importance of optimising keywords: According to a study by Backlinko, the first result on Google receives 32.5% of the total clicks, while the second result only receives 17.6% of clicks. This means that moving from the second position to the first position can almost double your organic traffic. So, it’s crucial to invest time and effort into optimising your keywords and improving your search engine rankings. To learn more about this statistic, check out the Backlinko study here.

According to a study by Ahrefs, 90.63% of all pages in their index get zero traffic from Google, which highlights the importance of effective SEO and keyword optimization to increase visibility and drive traffic. To learn more about this statistic, check out the Ahrefs study here.

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