create a website using wordpress

5 Things You Need to Create a Website Using WordPress

Embracing the Challenge of Creating Your Own WordPress Website

Feel the Pain, Make the Gain

Let’s face it – the struggle is real. You need a website, a solid, attractive digital footprint that tells the world, “Hey, I’m here, and I’ve got something special!” But let’s be honest. Those hefty invoices from fancy website agencies feel like a punch in the gut; I know I was the one sending out those invoices, and although I still believe there is a place for website companies to build websites on your behalf, it was amazing the number of people I came across that couldn’t justify the cost. Whether they couldn’t afford it or spending that on a website didn’t seem right. But flip that because, on the other side of the coin, I know the daunting feeling of building a website from scratch and the uphill battle against what people perceive is an army of codes and widgets. 

Remember the Days of Dreamweaver?

As someone who ran a website development company and marketing agency for years, I’ve felt the sweat on my brow as I tackled line after line of code in Dreamweaver. Yes, the days when creating a website were like forging a sword – a labour of love and torment. You spend days upon days typing code, pressing preview, changing code, pressing preview. The days were endless. Thankfully I had my Minidisc player to keep me company.

Today’s World: The Dawn of WordPress

But, we’re in a different era now. The rise of WordPress and other Content Management Systems (CMS) has simplified things to a great extent. It’s like being handed a ready-made sword forged into different parts instead of having to forge one yourself. Now all you have to do is put it together. Yes, making it mobile ready is complex, but most CMS’s have even thought of that and with the rise of Wordpress plugins there’s always a solution.

Graphics & Logos –

Why Choose WordPress Over Wix or Squarespace?

Now, you might be wondering, “But what about Wix or Squarespace?, I hear they are easier than WordPress,” And yes, they are. Not in the way yoi build them because, with WordPress builders like Elementor, it’s all drag and drop. But they are more manageable when setting up, compared to WordPress. But just because the are easier to use, doesn’t mean they’re the right option. Sometimes too easy, is too easy. 

For me, at the moment, you have three options. 

WordPress, which is the world’s leading website management tool, though you do still need a web builder such as Elementor and all the other plugins that you require to make it be all it can be. Training is needed, even if it is Youtube videos. But WordPress is that long term gain type of tool, if you are thinking long term.

Wix, which is quick and easy to set up with all the help within the sotware. Can’t really go wrong for the short term, though were WordPress will take you several weeks to learn and build, Wix will still require several days. It’s limited compared to WordPress but still has the juice to make something nice.

Or a newcomer to the market, 10web. It still isn’t near as close to doing what WordPress can do, but it is built on AI. So you give it the information it asks for, and a few minutes later, it has your website. This software is remarkable how quickly it can get you going. Later down the line, you will need to switch to a WordPress website, but this gets you off the ground.


Upset woman touching head using calculator and laptop for calculating finance. Frustration young

The Harsh (but Inspiring) Truth: DIY Website Building

For the remainder of this blog, we will focus on WordPress, although some of these steps are important whether you use WordPress, Wix or 10web. Because sooner or later you will need to come to WordPress. Particularly if you are looking to be promoted on Google via SEO.

Time vs. Money: The Ultimate Showdown

Yes, getting a marketing company to craft your website for you would be easier. But let’s address the elephant in the room – the cost! It’s like feeding an elephant-sized appetite on a mouse-sized budget. That’s where the DIY approach comes into play.

DIY Website Building: An Adventure, Not a Nightmare

So, here’s the blunt, honest truth: building your own website on WordPress will require time and effort. It will be a journey, not a Sunday stroll in the park. It will test you, but also reward you. After all, the greatest adventures always come with some learning and a few hurdles, don’t they?

You CAN Do This!

So, are you ready to roll up your sleeves and dive into this exciting, empowering, and, yes, a bit challenging world of WordPress website creation? Remember, you’re not just creating a website. You’re building your digital identity, your mark in the vast universe of the internet.


What do you feel like researching today

Domain Name and Web Hosting: Claiming Your Territory

Domain Name: Your Virtual Address

The first step to creating a website using WordPress is choosing your domain name. Think of it as the street address of your digital home – it’s how people will find you online. This needs to be unique, catchy, and representative of who you are or what your business stands for.

Web Hosting: The Foundation of Your Online Home

Once you’ve got a domain name, it’s time to find a place to host your website. Like a plot of land for your house, web hosting is where your website “lives.” It’s where all your website files will be stored and accessed by visitors.

Why Hostinger Stands Out

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room – which hosting service should you go for? There are many players in the market, but our preferred choice is Hostinger. They’ve nailed the balance between affordability and high-quality service.

What makes Hostinger stand out? Firstly, their plans are competitively priced, offering an excellent balance of cost and features. Plus, they offer 24/7 customer service to help you if you ever hit a bump in the road.

But most importantly, Hostinger provides a seamless, user-friendly experience. Even if you’re new to this website building scene, they’ve covered you. Their interface is clean, intuitive, and user-friendly, making your journey from novice to website wizard as smooth as possible.

Hostinger | Hosting, Domains and Websites from 1.49 £/mo

Other Hosting Platforms

Of course, while we highly recommend Hostinger, other web hosting platforms are out there, each with its own strengths and features. It’s all about finding the one that suits your specific needs best. So, do your research, compare the options, and make the right choice for you.

  1. Your Journey Begins Here With a Website Builder

Securing a domain name and choosing a web hosting service is your first step in the exciting journey of creating your own WordPress website. It’s like planting your flag on the digital landscape, saying, “Here’s where I make my stand. This is my territory!”

But now we need to dig deeper and get our hands dirty with the nitty-gritty of WordPress!

Why a Website Builder?

Once you’ve secured your domain and hosting, the next puzzle piece in your WordPress website creation journey is a website builder. A website builder is a tool that helps you construct your website without needing to know any coding language. It’s like having a digital construction crew ready to translate your creative vision into a stunning website. As I mentioned above, Wix automatically has one that you can use. 10Web automatically uses one that you never have to get involved with. I appreciate that both sound more appealing options. But stick with me on this as we discuss the WordPress possibility.

Elementor Logo Guidelines - Elementor

Elementor: Building Dreams

Among website builders, my absolute favourite is Elementor. And I’m speaking from years of experience. From the countless tools I’ve tried and tested over the years, Elementor has proven to be the most efficient and user-friendly. So much so that this very website,, was built with it!

Elementor: High Value, Low Cost

One of the many reasons I recommend Elementor is its affordability. At just $59 per year, it provides incredible value for what you get. Whether you’re crafting a blog, an e-commerce store, or a portfolio, Elementor offers a vast array of customisable options to suit your needs.

A One-Stop Solution: Elementor Now Offers Hosting

And guess what? The good news doesn’t stop there. Elementor recently started offering hosting for a modest $10 per month. This means if you already have a domain name, you can streamline your process by skipping Hostinger and having both your site builder and hosting under one roof. It’s all about making the process simpler and more efficient for you.

Your Path to a Stunning Website

With a user-friendly interface, a wealth of customisable options, and excellent customer support, Elementor allows you to take control of your website design. You’re not just creating a website; you’re crafting a unique digital experience for your visitors. As I mentioned, there will be learning, but YouTube really does have you covered. To get Elementor onto your WordPress website, search the plugin store for the free version and once installed, use the quick links to sign up. For the paid version, they will give you a download that you’ll need to upload to the plugin section on WordPress.

Content Generation Tool: The Magic of Chat GPT by OpenAI

Having a visually stunning website is a must, but what truly engages your audience and keeps them coming back is your content. High-quality, engaging, and unique content is the soul of your website. It’s how you communicate, connect, and convert your visitors into loyal fans or customers.


ChatGPT - Wikipedia


What is Chat GPT by OpenAI?

In this digital age, where generating fresh, consistent content is crucial, tools like Chat GPT by OpenAI come into play. Chat GPT is an advanced language model that uses machine learning to generate human-like text. From writing blog posts and articles to developing product descriptions or even social media posts, this tool has got you covered. Chat GPT wrote this blog based on the information i gave it. I have then spent some time afterwards adding my thoughts and opinions to it.

Why Choose Chat GPT?

Why do I recommend Chat GPT. First, it’s like having an additional creative brain on your team, one that never tires. It assists in brainstorming, comes up with catchy headlines, and produces well-structured, grammatically correct text that can be tailored to your specific needs.

Second, it saves you time. Time that you can be better spent on other aspects of your business. With the ability to generate various content within minutes, you’re no longer staring at a blank screen for hours.

Content Tailored For You

The best part about Chat GPT is the control it provides. You can guide it to write in the tone and style that best reflects your brand. Whether serious, fun, or anywhere in between, your wish is Chat GPT’s command! It can almost write exactly like you if you give it enough information.

Remember, a beautiful website may attract visitors, but compelling content is what transforms them into customers. So let’s equip you with the best content-generating tool out there and ensure your WordPress website stands head and shoulders above the rest. 

This can also be used for your Wix website, or to help with the prompts for your 10Web website, if you go down those routes.

Compelling Images: Bring Your Site to Life with Freepik

A picture speaks a thousand words, or so they say. In the world of web design, this saying holds more accurate than ever. High-quality, engaging images aren’t just aesthetic enhancers—they’re powerful tools that can significantly boost user engagement, making your website more appealing and relatable to your visitors. It’s always best if you have your own. But if you don’t, never go Googling for images, as you will hit some copyright issues, and it will get expensive. Instead, use stock sites.

File:Freepik.svg - Wikimedia Commons

Why Freepik?

Finding the right images can be quite a task, especially when you’re on a budget. That’s where Freepik comes in handy. At £13 per month, Freepik offers you over 25 million high-quality, royalty-free images. This extensive library means you’ll find the perfect photos, illustrations or vectors to match your content and enhance your site’s visual appeal.

While free sites are available for image sourcing, do keep in mind to double-check the copyright laws associated with the images. Freepic offers a hassle-free solution, ensuring all their images are safe for use without infringing copyright laws. (Make sure you read the copyright information, I am not a lawyer)

How to Incorporate Images Effectively

While having access to a wealth of images is fantastic, knowing how to use them effectively is equally important. Remember to keep your images relevant to your content. They should complement your text, and not confuse your readers. Use images to break up lengthy text, making your content easier to digest.

Also, consider your website’s overall aesthetic. Choose images with a consistent style and colour scheme that align with your brand’s identity. This helps create a cohesive look and feel across your site, enhancing the user experience.

With Freepik by your side, you’re ready to adorn your WordPress website with eye-catching, engaging visuals, making your site an absolute delight to explore.

Website Analytics: Monitor Your Success with Google Analytics

Think of your website as a virtual store. Just as a store owner would need to track footfall, sales, and customer behaviour, you need to monitor your website’s performance. But why? Simply put, analysing your website’s performance helps you understand your audience better, optimise your content, and, ultimately, achieve your business goals.

Google Analytics: Your Website’s Best Friend

Google Analytics is a free tool, essentially your website’s report card. It provides insights into your website’s traffic, audience behaviour, and much more, helping you make informed decisions to improve your site’s performance and boost your conversions.

Integrating Google Analytics with your WordPress website is pretty straightforward. Once you’ve signed up for a Google Analytics account, you can add the unique tracking code to your website using various plugins like ‘MonsterInsights’ or ‘ExactMetrics’. But we advise using Google’s own Google SiteKit plugin. That way, you can auto-connect it to your analytics account and see live data in your website dashboard. It also shows you how to set up Seach Console. Another powerful marketing tool.


Business worker, screen or computer data analytics in night office for financial planning, company

Key Metrics to Monitor in Google Analytics

So, what should you be looking at in Google Analytics? Here’s a brief rundown of some key metrics:

Users and Sessions: These metrics tell you how many people visited your website (Users) and how many times they visited (Sessions).

Bounce Rate: This measures the percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate could indicate that your site’s landing pages need to be more relevant to visitors or that the user experience needs improvement.

Session Duration: This tells you how long, on average, visitors stay on your site. The longer the session duration, the more engaging your content likely is.

Traffic Channels: This lets you know where your traffic is coming from—organic search, paid search, social media, direct visits, or referrals.

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to analysing your website’s performance. Each business has different goals, and thus, different metrics will matter. But by keeping an eye on these key metrics, you’re well on your way to understanding your audience, improving your content, and taking your website to new heights.


So there you have it. 5 steps to creating a power website yourself without paying the big website company prices. Below I’ve quickly summed a few things up in 5 FAQs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Embarking on your website-building journey can undoubtedly raise a few queries. It’s a new frontier, and you’re bound to have questions. These answers should help to clear up any confusion and make the process feel less daunting. So let’s dive in and demystify some of the aspects of building a WordPress website!

  • What is WordPress?

WordPress is an open-source content management system (CMS) that allows you to create and manage a website without needing to know any code. It helps if you do, but you don’t need to. It’s incredibly user-friendly, and it powers more than a third of all websites on the internet today.

  • How much does it cost to build a WordPress website?

WordPress itself is free. It’s open source and available to all. But the cost of a WordPress with all the added stuff you will need can vary significantly depending on your needs. However, as pointed out in my blog, using WordPress and Elementor together can be done for just £60 a year. You’ll also need to pay for a domain name (about £10 a year with a provider like Hostinger) and web hosting (around £5 a month with Hostinger or Elementor’s hosting service). Other costs might include premium themes or plugins, but these aren’t always necessary.

  • How long does it take to build a WordPress website?

The time it takes to build a WordPress website can vary depending on your level of experience and the complexity of the site. Using a website builder like Elementor, you can have a basic website up and running in a few hours. More complex sites might take several days or even weeks. Also remember the time it will take to find images and produce the content.

  • Do I need to know how to code to use WordPress?

Absolutely not! One of the great things about WordPress is that you don’t need to know how to code to build a professional-looking website. With tools like Elementor, you can use a drag-and-drop interface to create your site.

  • How can I track my website’s performance?

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that you can use to track your website’s performance. It provides detailed information about your site’s visitors, how long they spend on it, which pages they visit, and more. This can be incredibly useful for optimising your site and improving user experience.

Let’s Bring Your Website to Life!

I hope this guide has given you a better grasp of the five essential things you need to create a website using WordPress. As you can see, you don’t need to be a tech wizard to build a website that looks professional and functions seamlessly. All you need is the right tools, some patience, and a sprinkle of creativity.

Creating a website can be a thrilling journey, but it can also be quite challenging, especially if you’re doing it for the first time. There will be bumps along the way, and that’s perfectly okay. Remember, even the best of us started somewhere, and every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow.

But don’t worry; you’re not alone in this journey. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or simply want professional guidance, I’m here to help.

I invite you to book a free one-hour consultation with me. During this session, we’ll discuss your needs, your vision for your website, and how we can turn that vision into a reality. We can go over any questions you have and delve deeper into any of the areas we’ve covered in this guide.

Remember, a well-designed, user-friendly website isn’t just an online presence. It’s a powerful tool that can drive your business or brand forward. So why wait? 

Book Your Free Consultation

Are you ready to take the first step in your website creation journey? Click here to schedule your free consultation with me. Let’s turn your ideas into a stunning website that stands out from the crowd!

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