LinkedIn is Changing: Why You Need to Embrace LinkedIn Short-Form Video

If you’ve been paying attention to LinkedIn lately, you might have noticed that big changes are happening. For years, LinkedIn has been known as the go-to platform for professional networking, where text-heavy posts and articles ruled the feed. Yes, we all through in some video now and again. But as of 2024, the platform has officially rolled out its LinkedIn short-form video feature, pushing video as it’s core and preferred method of posting; and so, this new direction is set to transform the way professionals connect and share their ideas.

If you haven’t jumped on the video bandwagon yet, now is the time to start. This isn’t just a fleeting trend – it’s a fundamental shift in how LinkedIn functions. The days of long text walls are giving way to dynamic, visual content that captures attention faster and more effectively.

In this blog, I’ll walk you through why LinkedIn’s move towards video is a game changer and what you need to do to stay ahead. Let’s dive deep into the why, how, and what of LinkedIn’s video revolution, and why building your personal brand through video could be the most important marketing move you make this year.

Why LinkedIn Short-Form Video Matters Now

Video content has been on the rise across platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube for quite some time. But LinkedIn has always held back from following that path, until now. The platform is finally rolling out its own dedicated short-form video feed, separate from the traditional text feed. Users will now be able to access this vertical video stream through a new tab, which prioritises short form videos under two minutes in length.

Why is this important? We don’t know all the ins and outs of LinkedIn’s algorithm, but what is speculated and discussed is that it is being updated to prioritise video content. This means businesses and professionals who embrace this new feature will likely see a significant boost in visibility and engagement. LinkedIn will be pushing video content hard to encourage users to adopt this new format, so if you start creating videos now, you’ll get the added benefit of the platform’s focus on video during its infancy. Rumours are that the algorithm will change for both it’s traditional feed and the reel element. But that’s not saying a well designed and engaging image wont beat a boring video. Engaging, whatever it is, will always win. But if it’s like for like, it seems video will come out on top.

But here’s the kicker: many professionals are still resistant to the idea of posting videos. Whether it’s a lack of time, resources, or camera confidence, most LinkedIn users haven’t yet embraced video. This means there’s an untapped opportunity to get ahead of the curve before the feed becomes saturated with video content.

And trust me, I may make it look easy but I have my own worries and struggles when turning on the camera.

Building a Personal Brand Through LinkedIn Short-Form Video

Let’s be honest, personal branding has always been important on LinkedIn. Your photo, headline, and posts contribute to how others perceive you, but video takes this to the next level. When you put yourself in front of the camera, you humanise your brand. People connect with people, not just words on a screen. Video allows you to showcase your personality, communicate your ideas more effectively, and build trust with your audience in a way that’s simply not possible through text alone.

Think about it; when someone sees a video of you talking about an industry trend or offering insights, they see your facial expressions, hear the tone of your voice, and sense your passion. All of these factors contribute to building a more authentic and relatable personal brand. By incorporating LinkedIn short-form video into your LinkedIn strategy, you’re not just broadcasting information; you’re establishing yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

The Combination: Videos, Engagement, and Connections

Now, you might be wondering if just posting videos is enough to build your brand. The answer is no. To fully leverage LinkedIn’s video feature, you need to combine video content with other essential LinkedIn strategies: engaging with others’ content and building connections.

  • Post Consistently: Start by posting regular short-form videos on LinkedIn. These should be brief (under two minutes) and offer real value—whether it’s sharing a quick industry insight, providing tips, or discussing trends.
  • Engage with Others: Posting video content is just one part of the equation. You also need to comment on other people’s posts and engage with their videos. Meaningful interactions help build relationships and increase your visibility on the platform.
  • Build Connections: After you’ve started creating and engaging, focus on expanding your network. Connect with people in your industry who resonate with your content. Send them a personalised message when you reach out, referencing a shared interest or something from their recent posts.

This three-step approach, creating video content, engaging with others, and building connections will ensure that you’re fully leveraging LinkedIn’s power. It’s not just about being present; it’s about actively participating in the conversation.

Note: When posting, remember it needs to be engaging. People have a maximum attention span of around 8 seconds, and you’ll need to break the dreaded doom scroll. If they don’t connect to the content immediately they wont watch. But with a little bit of thought and by looking at the analytics of previous videos, you’ll have people watching all the way through in no time.



How to Get Started with LinkedIn Short-Form Video

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the idea of creating videos, don’t worry, you don’t need a Hollywood budget to start. Smartphones today have excellent cameras, and a simple, well-lit environment is more than enough to get started. Here are some tips to make your video creation process easier:

  • Keep it Simple: Your videos don’t need to be complicated. A “talking head” video where you speak directly to the camera is one of the most effective formats on LinkedIn.
  • Use Captions: Many users scroll through LinkedIn without sound, so adding captions is a must. Captions not only make your content more accessible but also help capture attention.
  • Be Yourself: Authenticity is key. Don’t worry about being perfect—just be yourself. Share your knowledge and experience, and focus on providing value.


At Marketing Botics, we’ve made this process even simpler. We offer a scripting service where we create engaging video scripts tailored to your expertise. All you have to do is record yourself speaking the script on your smartphone, and then send it to us via WhatsApp or however works for you. We’ll handle the editing, captioning, and final touches to make your videos polished and professional. You can focus on delivering your message while we take care of the rest. You can see some of the examples in this blog or head to our webpage.

Why You Need to Act Now

As with any new feature, early adopters will reap the most rewards. LinkedIn is pushing video content hard, and the algorithm is favouring those who embrace this change quickly. For the next five to six months while others start to adapt, you have a great chance of having your video content receiving higher impressions, making this the perfect window to establish yourself and build momentum.

But here’s the thing: this opportunity won’t last forever. As more people start using LinkedIn’s video feature, it will become harder to stand out. Right now, most professionals still rely on text posts, so the video landscape is relatively open. If you want to stay ahead, you need to start creating videos now, before the platform becomes saturated with content. By the point it does you’ll already be ahead of your competition and in control of platform.

Final Thoughts

LinkedIn’s shift towards LinkedIn short-form video content is more than just a new feature, it’s a complete transformation of the platform. Those who embrace this change now will have the opportunity to build a strong personal brand, reach new audiences, and engage with their network in a more dynamic and impactful way.

By combining consistent video posting with active engagement and networking, you can position yourself as a leader in your industry and stay ahead of the competition. And remember, you don’t have to do it alone—Marketing Botics is here to make the process as seamless as possible, from scripting to editing.

So, what are you waiting for? Start creating videos today and take full advantage of LinkedIn’s video revolution before everyone else catches up!


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