Why Being Popular on LinkedIn Might Be Bad for Business

Let’s get real. If you’re still caught up in the endless cycle of posting to please everyone on LinkedIn, you’re doing it all wrong. Getting likes doesn’t get you sales. On the other side, everyone and their dog talks about how crucial it is to post more content, but when it comes down to it, how many of you actually hit “publish” regularly? You’ve got a million excuses; time, creativity, fear of judgment, but let’s cut through the BS. It’s time to stop being a ghost and start being a force to be reckoned with.

Stop Trying to Please the World

Newsflash: Not everyone needs to love your content. The desperate need for universal approval is paralysing your progress. Instead of trying to cater to the masses, find a strong opinion about your industry that you genuinely believe in and run with it. Your voice matters. Whether you’re ranting about the latest trend or sharing your hot take on industry shifts, make it unapologetic. This is where your true audience lies, the people who resonate with your beliefs, your style, and your brand.


Embrace Video, Or Get Left Behind

Let’s talk about video. It’s not optional. If your strategy doesn’t include it, you’re playing a losing game. And I don’t mean those faceless TikTok videos everyone raves about? Yeah, they’re more about selling a fantasy than offering real value. The only folks making money off that scheme are the ones peddling those “how to be a millionaire” courses, using their own personal brands, mind you. If you’re not using your face your not using video or social media correctly.

Think about it! Would you buy a course on becoming rich from a faceless account? Of course not! You want to learn from someone with a real story, someone who can connect with you on a personal level. That’s why we refuse to work with businesses that shy away from using video or won’t push their personal brand. If your starting out in 2024 and hiding behind a logo, don’t expect to stand out in a crowded marketplace. You’re not Cadburys, Coca-Cola or Unilever.

Networking Posts Aren’t Sales Posts

We’ve all seen those posts: “I went to a networking event!” or “How’s everyone feeling today?” Sure, they might get you likes and comments, and they’re good in and amongst your other content to show your humanity and personal approach to business, but do they bring in sales? Spoiler alert: No. Showing off your social side may boost your ego, but it won’t fill your bank account.

Here’s the hard truth: People are scrolling through LinkedIn looking for solutions to their problems, not your emotional musings. There’s a balance to strike here, sure, be personable, but don’t confuse friendliness with effectiveness. It’s time to stop being the social butterfly and start being the expert.


E-E-A-T: Your New Best Friend

If you’re in the digital marketing world, you’ve probably heard about Google’s E-E-A-T principles: Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trust. This isn’t just some SEO buzzword; it’s your roadmap to becoming an influencer in your niche.

Instead of worrying about likes and shares from a sea of followers who barely know you, focus on building your E-E-A-T. Be that person who’s known for their deep knowledge, real-life experience, and trustworthy insights. You want your clicks to come from people who see you as a valuable resource, not just another face in the crowd.

Influence Over Popularity

So, what’s the takeaway here? Stop measuring success by the number of connections or likes you have. Instead, focus on creating meaningful content that influences your target audience. Your goal should be to build a loyal community of like-minded individuals who resonate with your values and are eager to engage with your brand.

When you start sharing your authentic self and offering real insights into your industry, your audience will grow organically. No gimmicks, no faceless videos, just solid, valuable content that reflects who you are and what you stand for.

In the end, remember: It’s not about being liked; it’s about being respected. Become the expert, the authority, and the trusted figure in your field. And watch as your network transforms from a popularity contest into a powerhouse of influence and opportunity.

Make sales happen

If you’re ready to ditch the faceless approach and start making waves in your industry, we’re here to help. Our LinkedIn video offer is designed specifically for those who want to create personal branded content that not only showcases your expertise but also drives real engagement and sales. We specialize in crafting compelling videos that resonate with your target audience, helping you build a personal brand that stands out in the crowded digital landscape. Let’s work together to amplify your voice, connect with the right people, and grow your business online. Don’t just be another post in the feed—be the expert that your audience trusts and turns to for solutions.


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